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A clinical trial of investigational global flu vaccines for adults

Trial ID: mRNA-1018-P101
The Odyssey Trial is a Phase 1 clinical trial conducted by Moderna to evaluate investigational vaccines that may protect people from getting sick if they come into contact with certain viruses that could cause global flu outbreaks.

Trial Details

The Odyssey Trial will assess the safety and immune responses to 4 investigational vaccines aimed at preventing a global influenza outbreak. Your participation in this clinical trial will not only help advance research of investigational mRNA flu vaccines but may also support investigational vaccine development for other infectious diseases.

You may have heard about avian flu and swine flu, sometimes referred to as bird flu and pig flu, respectively. These are examples of animal viruses that may, in rare cases, mutate and infect humans. These mutations can lead to rapid-spreading global outbreaks because people don’t naturally carry immunities to the new flu strains.

Because viruses are constantly changing, harmful new strains could emerge and spread around the world at any time. Preparing for potential new outbreaks by researching investigational vaccines could possibly limit global illnesses, hospitalizations, and death.

Estimated Enrollment

1,200 Participants



Eligibility Criteria

Participants must:

  • Be age 65 or older
  • Be in generally good health

Participants must not:

  • Have tested positive for COVID-19 or had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within 10 days of the Screening Visit

Site Locations

Participants will need to go to one of the clinics taking part in this clinical trial.

Sites are located in the cities/states identified with the red pin:

What to Expect

Participation in the Odyssey Trial will last approximately 7 months and includes up to 7 scheduled visits to a trial site and 4 scheduled safety phone calls.

The investigational vaccines being evaluated in this clinical trial are mRNA-1018.H5N8, mRNA-1018.H5, mRNA-1018.H7N9, and mRNA-1018.H7. You will be randomly assigned to a certain dose of 1 of those 4 investigational vaccines, and you will receive 2 injections of this investigational vaccine during the trial.

All trial participants will receive the same level of quality care regardless of which investigational vaccine they receive.

You must enter whether you experience any reactions into a symptom-reporting electronic diary (eDiary) smartphone app every day for 7 days after receiving each injection.

Insurance is not needed to participate, and qualified participants will receive payment for their trial-related time and travel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)